NMF (Nonnegative Matrix Factorization) is another useful algorithm to factorize a matrix A. More specifically, NMF tries to find two matrices W and H, such that WH~A, where ~ means roughly the same here. Very often the data to be processed (A) is nonnegative, to avoid contradicting phsyical meanings, an important constraint imposed to NMF is that all the low rank data (W and H) must be comprised of nonnegative values. In this paper, the cost function is defines as:
0.5 A-WH^2.
In fact, the cost function can be defined by some other ways, too.
The paper introduces three approaches to solve the NMF problem - Multiplicative Update Algorithm, Gradient Descent Algorithm, and Alternating Least Square Algorithm. These algorithms have to face some difficult challenges, such as the existence of local minima and lack of unique soluction. None of these algorithms guarantee the answer is a global minimum in cost function, but in many data mining applications a local minimum is enough to be useful. Each algorithm has its own disadvtanges such as low speed or convergence problem. However, in practice researchers often sacrifices convergence theory to speed up the process. Therefore, ALS is a favored algorithm among the three. After introducing the three algorithms, the paper goes more into detail on how to set the constraints or adding penalty terms.
0.5 A-WH^2.
In fact, the cost function can be defined by some other ways, too.
The paper introduces three approaches to solve the NMF problem - Multiplicative Update Algorithm, Gradient Descent Algorithm, and Alternating Least Square Algorithm. These algorithms have to face some difficult challenges, such as the existence of local minima and lack of unique soluction. None of these algorithms guarantee the answer is a global minimum in cost function, but in many data mining applications a local minimum is enough to be useful. Each algorithm has its own disadvtanges such as low speed or convergence problem. However, in practice researchers often sacrifices convergence theory to speed up the process. Therefore, ALS is a favored algorithm among the three. After introducing the three algorithms, the paper goes more into detail on how to set the constraints or adding penalty terms.
Then, the paper gives two example applications of NMF, one is text mining and the other is spectral data analysis. In text mining, NMF uses a document-term matrix constructed with the weights of various terms from a set of documents. Then, the matrix is factored into a term-feature and a feature-document matrix similar to LSI. As a matter of fact, NMF is equivalent to PLSA when it is obtained by minimizing the Kullback–Leibler divergence.
Michael W. Berry, Murray Browne, Amy Nicole Langville, V. Paul Pauca, and Robert J. Plemmons, "Algorithms and applications for approximate nonnegative matrix factorization," Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 52(1), pp. 155-173, 2007.